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Massey University 1st year Food Techies Presents


Omega 3 Chewies is a gummy jelly containing Omega 3 from New Zealand's lamb as well as Vitamin C from Kiwi fruit is a product that proposed by our team, Creative Foodies that will be produced in the future. The Omega 3 Chewies is aimed towards children above age of 5 to encourage the intake of Omega 3 to improve their brain development and mental health during their developmental phase.

After conducting numerous research, we found that New Zealand lamb fats contain Omega 3 which is similar to a fish's Omega 3. These Omega 3 in lamb is able to boost one's brain activity when consumed in a recommended amount for a period of time (Beef + Lamb New Zealand, 2010).

However, at present although most of the New Zealand lamb fats' are used, they are created into low value products as sausages, margarine, baked goods, soaps, cosmetics and animal feed (Beef + Lamb New Zealand, 2013). Moreover, some of the fats are discarded, whereby the lamb's Omega 3 are not fully valued.

Therefore, we proposed Omega 3  Chewies will be a product that will be exported to countries around the world to share the benefits this product will bring to each individual which will also lead to an increase in more than 60% of New Zealand's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita by the  year 2025. 

Current Industry

Current Industry

Current New Zealand Lamb Industry

Future Challenges

Future Challenges

Challenges the lamb industry needs to face in the future



Guide to overcome the future challenges

Weekly Blog

Weekly Blog

Weekly update of the Lamb Omega 3 project



References for the project

About Us

About Us

Team members of Creative Foodies

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