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The distribution of the Omega 3 Chewies includes secondary packaging, tertiary packaging, transport for exportation and the target market for the product.

Secondary Packaging - Display Box

The Display Box as shown in Figure (1) – (4) will be the secondary packaging for the Omega 3 Chewies. The Display Box has adapted the concept of a pizza box where the lid will stay in the box by tucking the lid into the packaging without using glue or tapes to seal the packaging. This will be able to save cost and labour when packing and unpacking the Display Box. In addition, the EcoPouch will not be damaged while unpacking the Display Box as no cutting is required. The Display Box has a volume of 50 cm x 21 cm x 19 cm, containing 16 EcoPouch that weigh approximately 320 g in overall.

Hover over the images above for more information

The Display Box is made of single wall board B-Flute corrugated box that is environmentally friendly and can be recycled to produce a new package. B-Flute is also known as a display unit corrugated box on a retail shelving with flexible folding properties and a better surface for printing and therefore a suitable material for secondary packaging (Packsize, 2013).

Figure (4) short clip of Display Box as a display unit rotation (Creative Foodies, 2016)

As shown in Figure (3), the Display Box contain a divider to keep the EcoPouch in place. Another function of the divider is to pull the pouches that are placed at the back of the Display Box to the front without stretching our hands to reach for it. The divider will need to pull and push most of the EcoPouch in the Display Box which is approximately 320 g that will require a material with relevantly average ECT (Edge Crush Test - is a test used to find out the crushing point of a piece of corrugated board) to withstand the weight. A single wall corrugated box weighing around 9.1 kg – 43.1 kg have ECT of 23 – 44 (Boxmaster, 2016).  Therefore, a single board R-Flute corrugated board with 23 ECT was chosen material for the divider (Boxmaster, 2016). R-Flute is also known as a substitute for B-Flute, but it has a narrower and smaller fluting with lesser production waste (Packsize, 2013).

Tertiary Packaging

The tertiary packaging is required to ensure the secondary packaging and the primary packaging are not damaged during the exportation process. The tertiary packaging in figure (5) has a volume of 51 cm x 66 cm x 40 cm has an estimate total mass of approximately 1.92 kg with an ECT of less than 23 (Boxmaster, 2016). Therefore, the tertiary packaging is made of single wall C Flute.  According to Packsize (2013), C Flute is widely known for its flexibility with a printable surface and provide a strong support during shipping of product, therefore, a suitable material for tertiary packaging.

Figure (5): Display box (secondary packaging) arrangement in tertiary packaging


Our products will be exported by shipment from New Zealand to countries around the world. Information from the New Zealand Movers and New Zealand Post is referenced due to no published information on distribution industry period of transportation.

Figure (6): Duration of exportation by plane and shipment (New Zealand Post, 2016 and New Zealand Movers, 2016)

Assuming that in 2025 exporting by plane will cost more than shipping in the future, therefore, our team will be shipping the tertiary packaging containing the Omega 3 Chewies to other countries.

Target Market

Towards 2025, Omega 3 Chewies will be sold in countries that is currently importing New Zealand Lamb such as, United Kingdom, European Union, North America, China and Middle East. Besides that, as the population in Asia and Africa continents increased rapidly will consequently increase the demand for New Zealand Lamb as well as other products. (Roser, 2016). Therefore, a larger quantity of Omega 3 Chewies will be exported to Japan, China, Middle East and North Africa compared to the United Kingdom and other European countries to meet the demand in the market (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2009).


Furthermore, Omega 3 Chewies containing vitamin C will also be suitable to be exported to Mexico, Canada, Denmark and the US where majority of people are deficient in Vitamin C (Alliance for Natural Health, 2009). The Omega 3 Chewies will not only increase their Vitamin C intake as well as to enhance the improvement of the brain development through Omega 3.

Furthermore, to leave a better impression on our consumer and to protect the copyrights of our product, we aim to create our logo for our startup as shown in Figure (7). The logo will be placed on our packaging as a trademark of our product Figure (7) so that our customers can easily recognise and trusting our brand and product.

Figure (6): Lamb Omega 3 logo

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