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Project Charter

Project authorization

Tony Mutukumira


Phone- 0211135609


Project context:

Lamb industry in New Zealand is well-known around the world, it is the main exporter and source of income in the New Zealand industry. As the development in the lamb industry increasa, so does the amount of waste from the slaughterhouse. The overall aim for this project is to propose a solution for the lamb industry in New Zealand to face the potential challenges in the future as well as to increase New Zealand's Gross Domestic Product(GDP) by 60%. The solution has to be something that has not been done before, or it can be the development of a product or technology. Our team, the Creative Foodies is trying our best to find the potential challenges and the solution to be developed in 2025


Project scope

The scope of our project is focused on the New Zealand's lamb industry. However, if there is the same problem around the world, the solution could be adapted by other countries. The project design and future challenges are dependent on New Zealand Lamb industry.


Project outcomes:

The aim of this project is to increase New Zealand lamb exports by 60% in 9 years. We aim to create products with the waste from slaughterhouses or improve the existing process in the slaughterhouse, and therefore improve the efficiency of New Zealand slaughterhouses.


Change control:

We are planning to increase exports, by increasing the products available for export and by decreasing the amount of waste in slaughterhouses. 



  1. Loss of records and data - high risks

It will be great set back toward the project.

Mitigations in place are:


    •    Upload and share work on google doc and back up in hard drive

    •    Document and make a hard copy of the key data and work

    •    Inform all team members when editing the site to avoid the website to crash


2. Health and safety - extremely high risks:

Any unexpected hazarded will put team member or customers in risk.

Mitigations in place are:


  • before conducting any experiments for the project, all the details will be checked by lab managers, discuss and identify any hazards  

  • If we need to develop a prototype it will be done in the lab with proper supervision.

  • The product will be carefully tested by experts before release


3.Lack of expertise - High risks

Since the project is for next 9 years, it will be hard to find the expertise working on the further technology this project requires.

Mitigations in place are:


  • Seeking help with experts working in the similar field

  • Make reasonable assumptions with relevant sources


4.Loss of motivation - extremely high risks

It will slow down the progress and reduce the work quality.

Mitigations in place are:


  • Communicate and know each member's’ strength and weaknesses

  • Assign task accordingly to their skills and interest

  • make sure each member is well informed on their task  

  • always help each other out when facing difficulties


Project management:

At the first stage of the project, the steps taken to meet the milestone are:


  1. Brain storming and discussing the possibilities to increase New Zealand export by 2025

  2. General background research and identify four key sections of the lamb industry

  3. Assigning each member one section for specific research and identify any gaps

  4. Generating SIPOC diagram and process diagram

  5. Generating and develop a website to exhibit our project to public and people within the industry


For further stagees, procedures will be planned out refer to the stage Guidelines.


Project deliverables:

A well functional and user friendly website will be developed and published to present our potential solution for thriving New Zealand lamb industry by 2025. However, at the first stage of the projectile final solution is still obscure. Thus the primary deliverables are:


  • An exclusive overview of current Lamb industry in New Zealand.

  • Individual pages on key section of the lamb industry

  • SIPOC diagram and process diagram

  • An initial process charter

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