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References 1.0

Current Industry


Slater, R. (2010). Beef + lamb Zealand reference guide. Retrieved from


Statistics New Zealand. (n.d.). New Zealand is home to 3 million people and 60 million sheep. Retrieved from


Background Information


Meat in Focus. (n.d.). Meat in focus: A closer look at a key in New Zealand industry. Retrieved from

Statistics New Zealand. (n.d.). New Zealand is home to 3 million people and 60 million sheep. Retrieved from


Current Market

- Mike Meng -


Ministry for Primary Industries. (2005). Quality at every step. Retrieved from


Morris, S. T. (2013). Sheep and beef cattle production systems. Retrieved from


New Zealand Meat Classification Authority. (2004). New Zealand meat: Guide to lamb and mutton carcass classification. Retrieved from


Slater, R. (2010). Beef + lamb Zealand reference guide. Retrieved from


Current products and nutrients

- Shu Sin Chong - 


Beef + Lamb New Zealand. (2010). Beef + lamb New Zealand reference guide. Retrieved from


Beef + Lamb New Zealand. (2013). Dietary fat: Red meat’s contribution. Retrieved from


Beef + Lamb New Zealand. (n.d.). Good Nutrients. Retrieved from


Bester, M. & Schönfeldt, H. (2015). The nutrient content of lamb and mutton organ meat. Retrieved from


Mosquera, D. (2013). Hardening of the arteries (Atherosclerosis). Retrieved from

New Zealand Meat Classification Authority. (2004). New Zealand meat: Guide to lamb and mutton carcass classification. Retrieved from


Standards and Food Safety
- Joshua Cooke -


Beef + Lamb NZ. (2016). Analyse New Zealand meat exports. Retrieved from

Lamb description and identification requirements - options paper. (2005). Retrieved from

FAO.(1990). Manual on simople methods of meat preservation. Retrieved from



- Cass Yang - 


Banks, C.J. (1994). Anaerobic digestion of solid and high nitrogen content fractions of slaughterhouse wastes. Environmentally Responsible Food Processing, AlChE Symp. Ser. 90, 48–55.


Braber, K. (1995). Anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste: a modern waste disposal option on the verge of breakthrough. Biomass Bioenergy 9, 365–376


Gerpen, J. V. (2014). Animal Fats for Biodiesel Production. Idaho: Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, National Biodiesel Education Program, University of Idaho.


Ritter, W.F. Chinside, A.E.M. (1995). Impact of dead bird disposal pits on groundwater quality on the Delmarva Peninsula. Bioresour. Technol. 53, 105–111.


Salminen, E. (2001). Anaerobic digestion of organic solid poultry slaughterhouse waste – a review. Finland: Elsevier.


Savell, J. W. (1988). Designing Foods: Animal Product Options in the Marketplace. Washington : National Academies Press (US).


Senesi, N. (1989). Composted materials as organic fertilizers. Sci. Total Environ. 81/82, 521–542.


Slater, R. (2010). Beef + Lamb New Zealand Reference Guide. Auckland: Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc


Technical Information W5e. (2001). Anaerobic treatment of slaughterhouse waste and wastewater. Frankfurt, Germany.

USAD. (2016). National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Unite


SIPOC Diagram


Yeung, S. M. C. (2009). Using six sigma - SIPOC for customer satisfaction.


Rasmusson, D. (2006). SIPOC picture book: A visual guide to SIPOC/DMAIC relationship.  Retrieved from


Process Flow Diagram


Barker, J. (2015). Operational Code: Slaughter and Dressing . Wellington : Ministry for Primary Industries.


New Zealand Food Safety Authority(NZFSA). (2004). Generic RMP: slaughter, dressing, cooling and boning of sheep. Retrieve from

Slater, R. (2010). New Zealand Beef and Lamb . Auckland: Beef + Lamb New Zealand .


Toldra, F. (2010). Handbook of meat processing. Retrieved from


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