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- Joshua Cooke 16046515 -

New Zealand is known for its food safety and prides its self on the food safety in lamb exports. This is important as importers want the best and safest lamb, which the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Verification Services (MAFVS) ensure to importers of NZ lamb. They achieve this through the use of standards which all exporters need to comply with. 


Along with the MAFVS, the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) makes sure that exporters meet importers standards for lamb. They issue export certificates to NZ exporters which ensure that importers are getting the best, and safe NZ lamb.

Food Safety

New Zealand food safety standards and Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs) are overseen by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and all exporters must meet the standards of NZ, and also of the countrie they are sending the lamb meat to. For example the EU don't accept any meat that has came from animals fed growth hormones. The standards for slaughter is ultimately to make sure it is humane. This means that the lamb is unconcious before its neck is cut, and that the cut is quick and is made before the lamb shows signs of conciousness. (FAO, 2015)

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