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Nowadays, people has become more and more aware of the importance of the diets in maintain health and achieving a desired body shape. In addition with blooming of online shopping and the expanding of public transport (UITP,2016), it has become more and more convenient for people to remain stationary. As a results, fats especially animal fats which used to be high energy sources are now commonly tagged as a public enemy of health. However, not every animal fats are inferior, New Zealand lamb fat which is about 27% of total weight contains high level of Omega-3 (Karabacak,Aytekin, & Boztepe, 2014). Thus, extraction and utilisation of the nutrients from the often discarded fats will create additional profit to New Zealand lamb industry. 

At the slaughter house, a large portion of the lamb is removed. In particular, the processed carcass is only about 47% of lamb’s total weight (Leeuwen, 2014).  As indicated in figure (1), fleece &pelts,organs, fats and head&tail contributes to the majority of the 53% weight that being removed. While the fleece and pelts provides the raw material in wool and leather industry and organs like the stomach,liver etc appeared in many exotic cuisines the fats are often discharged or mixed in cheap animal feed (NZIC,2006). In addition, a further 12% of fat and bone is trimmed out when the Lamb carcass is processed into edible meat(Leeuwen,2014). in the other words, to utilise these fats will make the over 7 percent zero profit by-products valuable.

Figure (1) Percentage of parts exclude lamb carcass



Furthermore, Omega 3 is a dietary fats with arranges of health benefits such as improve eye health, bone and joint health, reduce heart disease, fight inflammation and help mental disorder (Hjalmarsdotti, 2016). As omega 3 is able to incorporated in cell membrane and many other parts of human body. It has a key role in control of viscosity of cell membranes as well. especially the EPA and DHA are essential in fatal development and health ageing (Swanson,Block, & Mousa, 2012).The nutrient value of the lamb fats could be a great addition fro human health in the further.

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