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Week 11 & 12

- Mike Meng & Shu Sin Chong -

Week 11

5 October , 2016

This week it has no class on Wednesday as there is a concept test on Friday morning and the final individual report due by next week.


Thus the objectives of the week are: 


  • Check is everyone ready for the coming test

  • Discuss and finalise on the final product to be implemented in our final solution.

  • Outline the aspects and areas needed to be covered in the final report

  • Discussed and ensure each aspects are connected and can interact to lead to the final solution

  • Ensure every member is clear and happy with the part they going to focus on their individual reports



  • Be well prepared for the coming test 

  • Carefully review the final solution and note down and question and problem that might encountered and raised

  • Start on individual report 

  • Think of a catchy name for our final products

Week 12

9 October , 2016

We have a brief meeting to gather our idea generation together on a board as well as helping out each other with the preparation fro the portfolio meeting.


Our mentor, Tony interviewed us in a team and then individually. We explained our idea generations and the future plans for our project.

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