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Week 9 & 10

- Cass Yang & Joshua Cooke -

Week  9  & 10

- Cass Yang & Joshua Cooke -

Week 9 & 10

- Cass Yang & Joshua Cooke -

Week 9

26th September,2016

Week 9 is the final week before portfolio meeting, which means we have to come up with the idea generation and screening down the idea generation to a few final solutions. We’ve decided to focus on the potential of Omega 3 fatty acid. The following is the final solution for each one of us.


Joshua Cooke- Omega 3 fatty acid extraction

Mike Meng and Cass Yang- Product development on packaging and carrier for

Omega 3 fatty acid.

Shu Sin Chong- Product development on branding and distribution

Week 10

1st October, 2016

Week ten is the week of the portfolio meetings. We organised a meeting on Monday to organise all our team visuals we would be using. This was a simple A2 paper with our individual ideas sticky noted onto it. Althou the portfolio meeting was individual our ides formed 1 product, so we had to have a clear understanding of who choose what as their final idea,and what they would talk about


Joshu - Enzyme hydrolysis

Cass - Eco pouch

Mike - Vitamin c and d carriers

Shu - Display box


Overall we choose the product name to be omega 3 chewies, and that we would be producing gummy bears to appeal to our target audience, the children.

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